Claustrophobia is the fear of having no escape, and being closed in. Claustrophobia is often confused with Clithrophobia, which is the fear of being in an enclosed space. It is typically classified as an anxiety disorder and often results in panic attack. One study indicates that anywhere from 2-5% of the world population is affected by severe claustrophobia, but only a small percentage of these people receive some kind of treatment for the disorder.


Claustrophobia is typically thought to have two key symptoms: fear of restriction and fear of suffocation. A typical claustrophobic will fear restriction in at least one, if not several, of the following areas: small rooms, locked rooms, tunnels, cellars, elevators, subway trains, caves, and crowded areas. Additionally, the fear of restriction can cause some claustrophobics to fear trivial matters such as sitting in a barber’s chair or waiting in line at a grocery store simply out of a fear of confinement to a single space. However, claustrophobics are not necessarily afraid of these areas themselves, but, rather, they fear what could happen to them should they become confined to said area. Often, when confined to an area, claustrophobics begin to fear suffocation, believing that there may be a lack of air in the area to which they are confined. Any combination of the above symptoms can lead to severe panic attacks. However, most claustrophobics do everything in their power to avoid these situations.

However, Self Hypnosis audio is a big help to those who want to combat their fear of closed spaces. the self hypnosis audio will train the brain to be as comfortable in enclosed spaces as other peoplw so that it does no need to generate anxiety responses. The audios are known to effective it keeps one calm and relaxed while distantly reviewing any difficult situations or expreiencesm thus teaching the mind to respond differently.

hypnotherapy is a great way to trat the fear of being in a confined space. It is a natural way to train the brain to make one feel comfortable in a small space.