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coffeeI personally drink coffee as part of my daily morning routine. I normally drink crink coffee once a day, but sometimes I had another serving of coffee whenever I’m sleepy and need to wake myself up in order to do some of my daily task. And ass much as I want to drink more coffee than my usual intake, I see to it that I could control my coffee cravings.

But did you know that coffee could be addictive because of caffeine? Drinking too much caffeine can have negative effects on the body, and could mess up our sleep cycle. Also drinking too much could cause irritability, headaches, headaches, anxiety and abnormal heart beat.

The normal amount of caffeine is 200-300 mg, equivalent to two or three cups of coffee a day. Having too much of it could be hazardous and addictive at the same time. And listening to the Self Hypnosis Audio for coffee addiction could be a big help.

This hypnotherapy for controlling coffee intake targets your subconscious mind so that you can cut down on the number of cups of coffee you drink every day. Doing this everyday will tell your brain that you had enough of the usual coffee intake.

Having a cup of coffee every morning keeps one awake for the whole day, having more than your usual intake is bad for the health of one’s person and listening to the downloads is a big help to control the coffee addiction.

I personally drink coffee as part of my daily morning routine. I normally drink crink coffee once a day, but sometimes I had another serving of coffee whenever I’m sleepy and need to wake myself up in order to do some of my daily task. And ass much as I want to drink more coffee than my usual intake, I see to it that I could control my coffee cravings.

But did you know that coffee could be addictive because of caffeine? Drinking too much caffeine can have negative effects on the body, and could mess up our sleep cycle. Also drinking too much could cause irritability, headaches, headaches, anxiety and abnormal heart beat.

The normal amount of caffeine is 200-300 mg, equivalent to two or three cups of coffee a day. Having too much of it could be hazardous and addictive at the same time. And listening to the Self Hypnosis Audio for coffee addiction could be a big help.

This hypnotherapy for controlling coffee intake targets your subconscious mind so that you can cut down on the number of cups of coffee you drink every day. Doing this everyday will tell your brain that you had enough of the usual coffee intake.

Having a cup of coffee every morning keeps one awake for the whole day, having more than your usual intake is bad for the health of one’s person and listening to the downloads is a big help to control the coffee addiction.

Being in a bad relationship is like having a contagious disease, it  slowing eating you up. It is a slow death for many of us who went into a disastrous relationship.  being in an abusive and unhealthy relationship can affect the person emotionally and psychologically. To those who are still in a bad relationship, one needs to gather enough courage to let themselves out and be free.

bad relationship

But what makes one go with the plan of breaking up? for some they can face their partners and break up, for they know that their relationship is suffocates the other. And for those who can’t face their partners, believe it or not, hypnotherapy could be a big help in breaking up in a bad relationship.

Listening to Self Hypnosis Mp3 Audio for this special kind of case can help you, the miserable ones who are still in a bad relationship, gather up enough courage to face your fears. It also help you envision yourself saying the right words to confront the person you need to get away from. It also helps you relax and can help you to act the way you want while no longer hypnotized.

There are also physical benefits of listening to these hypnotherapy audios, for it includes relaxation programs in order to get enough rest and sleep, helping you to avoid blood pressure and other health issues that are mainly occured during the times you are stressed out in a bad relationship.

Having a healthy relationship is the most happpiest thing for every indivisual. And for those who are still trapped, listen to the self hypnosis in ending a bad relationship and make yourself free.

Everything begins with your attitude. You think about the things you’ve accomplished in your life, you’ll realize that attitude is everything when you think about it.

be positiveAttitude is also important in achieving things. Having a positive outlook in life can make you accomplish everything, like finishing first in class, getting a degree, passed an exam with flying colours, getting a job, confessing your love to someone and bought your dream house. Having a positive attitude gives you the power, strength and momentum to achieve whatever you want to achieved.

In the contrary, negative attitude also occurs to everyone. And this could hinder the things that we want to achieve the most, also jeopardizes the chances of success in the particular endeavour. Having a negative attitude makes one feel stuck and down in many levels.

This attitude will work against them on and also will worsen the situation that they’ve been right now. Your negative attitude that you’re having also affects other people, for that “I can’t do it” syndrome is very contagious and popular.

However, Self Hypnosis Mp3 Audio could be your ticket to free yourself from the negative attitude you’re having. The specialized self hypnosis helps to improve the attitude and having one in every situation. Listening to the audios will help improve all areas in your life right now: your relationships, your feelings of self-esteem, your feelings of worth, your feelings of contributing appropriately to man kinds. And you will realize that your negative attitude is not appropriate for your own advancement.

Having a positive attitude will take you places. And having the self hypnosis for a new positive attitude will make you feel like a new person will have a positive outlook life.

anorexiaAnorexia nervosa is a psychiatric illness that describes an eating disorder characterized by extremely low body weight and body image distortion with an obsessive fear of gaining weight. Individuals with anorexia are known to control body weight commonly through the means of voluntary starvation, excessive exercise, or other weight control measures such as diet pills or diuretic drugs. While the condition primarily affects adolescent females approximately 10% of people with the diagnosis are male. Anorexia nervosa, involving neurobiological, psychological, and sociological components, is a complex condition that can lead to death in severe cases.

One of my favorite singers, Karen Carpenter died having a heart attack due to anorexia.

It is for me one of the most disturbing disorders most people had, for it has negative, mental, emotional, behavioral and physical effects on the body. to those who has anorexia, this should not be taken lightly and there are things to do to get help. People with anorexia have a very distorted view of their body and often take extreme measures to lose weight.

it is best to undergo treatment and to listen to Self Hypnosis Mp3 Audio that is specialized for people who has anorexia. the self hypnosis audios will help the prople who suffered from the disorder to improve their body image and mind back to a healthy state. These hypnotherapy audio is designed to target your subconscious mind and give it powerful and positive suggestions so that you gain control over anorexia.

Self-hypnosis recording in conquering anorexia will give one the positive body image and self-confidence that everyone needs in order to overcome anorexia.

The fear of commitment occurs when one experiences turbulent experiences when it comes to relationships. This is typical for a male who has been married and has found in a costly divorce to be gun shy when it comes to the possibility of a marriage or even lesser relationship commitment in the future. This can also be true of women who have had similar unfortunate relationship experiences.

fear of commitment

People who fear commitment often have a fear of lost options or a fear of making bad decisions. They often feel insecure. The Overcome fear of Commitment works on building confidence in yourself and confidence in your relationship.

Other reasons why people are afraid of commitment are as follows:

  • Doesn’t want to lose their independence
  • Rejection from the past
  • Scared of getting hurt
  • Afraid to commit to the significant other

But whatever the reasons for having a fear of commitment it’s best to confront and to pinpoint the reasons and to work on improving the fear. And for additional help, listening to Self Hypnosis Mp3 Audio is a nice tool in conquering the fear of commitment.

These hypnotherapy recording is designed to remind one of the happy relationships which which exist in the world also to remind you that you are fully capable of having one of those types of relationships with your loved one or potential future partner.

By using this hypnotherapy recording, you will find that you are easily able to overcome your aversion to having a fully functional committed relationship.

Stage fright or performance anxiety is the anxiety, fear, or persistent phobia which may be aroused in an individual by the requirement to perform in front of an audience, whether actually or potentially (for example, when performing before a camera). In the context of public speaking, this fear is termed glossophobia, one of the most common of phobias. Such anxiety may precede or accompany participation in any activity involving public self-presentation.

stage fright

Performance anxiety may often be observed among such public performers as athletes and musicians. Here it is manifested as a fear of “underperforming” (whether in the estimation of the viewing public or that of later critical reaction).

Quite often stage fright arises in a mere anticipation of a performance, often a long time ahead. It has numerous manifestations: fluttering or pounding heart, tremor in the hands and legs, diarrhea, facial nerve tics, dry mouth. Stage fright may be observed in people of all experience and background, from beginners to professionals. Some musicians use beta blockers to avoid stage fright during auditions, and performances. In other cases, performers use alcoholic beverages to ease their stage fright. There have been many cases in which this habit has led to alcoholism.

There are other methods in recovering from stage fright. Purchasing Self Hypnosis Mp3 for stage fright could be a big help to those who are suffering from general anxiety related to performing – and will find that the desires to perform will no longer be tainted by fear and plagued with self-doubt.

Performers can guarantee that after listening to self hypnosis for stage fright, they can face their audience with great confidence and strength.

Claustrophobia is the fear of having no escape, and being closed in. Claustrophobia is often confused with Clithrophobia, which is the fear of being in an enclosed space. It is typically classified as an anxiety disorder and often results in panic attack. One study indicates that anywhere from 2-5% of the world population is affected by severe claustrophobia, but only a small percentage of these people receive some kind of treatment for the disorder.


Claustrophobia is typically thought to have two key symptoms: fear of restriction and fear of suffocation. A typical claustrophobic will fear restriction in at least one, if not several, of the following areas: small rooms, locked rooms, tunnels, cellars, elevators, subway trains, caves, and crowded areas. Additionally, the fear of restriction can cause some claustrophobics to fear trivial matters such as sitting in a barber’s chair or waiting in line at a grocery store simply out of a fear of confinement to a single space. However, claustrophobics are not necessarily afraid of these areas themselves, but, rather, they fear what could happen to them should they become confined to said area. Often, when confined to an area, claustrophobics begin to fear suffocation, believing that there may be a lack of air in the area to which they are confined. Any combination of the above symptoms can lead to severe panic attacks. However, most claustrophobics do everything in their power to avoid these situations.

However, Self Hypnosis audio is a big help to those who want to combat their fear of closed spaces. the self hypnosis audio will train the brain to be as comfortable in enclosed spaces as other peoplw so that it does no need to generate anxiety responses. The audios are known to effective it keeps one calm and relaxed while distantly reviewing any difficult situations or expreiencesm thus teaching the mind to respond differently.

hypnotherapy is a great way to trat the fear of being in a confined space. It is a natural way to train the brain to make one feel comfortable in a small space.

Everybody suffers from depression and anxiety. While some admits it, there are some who were not. Admit it or not, these people walk around with their minds and bodies tied up in knots. These people have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or both.


Stress on the other hand, affects the person’s ability to focus attention and concentration. It affects people’s personal relationships and level of happiness and joy. Stress could be the key factor of different health disorders such as hypertension, strokes, heart attacks, diabetes, ulcers, neck or low back pain and other “Diseases of Civilization” like cancer.

But did you know that stress is always caused by thinking negative thoughts? Yes thinking too many negative thoughts makes everyone fell tense. The more you stay in that thought pattern, the more anxious you feel.

But on the lighter side, happy thoughts and memories displace the stress levels on our body, thus increasing the feeling of tranquillity in its place.

Listening to these self hypnosis audios is a big help in changing the way we think, feel and behave. This includes techniques on how to eliminate depression, anxiety and stress. Such techniques will make one become more peaceful, mellow and serene.

The self hypnosis program for anxiety, depression and stress may alter the life of a person, and will make everyone live a fuller, peaceful and a happier life.

Let me give you an overview of what insomnia is all about.

insomniaInsomnia is a symptom of a sleeping disorder characterized by persistent difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep despite the opportunity. Insomnia is a symptom, not a stand-alone diagnosis or a disease. By definition, insomnia is “difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep or both” and it may be due to inadequate quality or quantity of sleep. It is typically followed by functional impairment while awake. Both organic and non-organic insomnia constitute a sleep disorder.

In addition, Insomnia is one of the most common symptoms of stress and depression. People who had this have this fear in getting into bed. For the people has trouble sleeping may tried alternative methods in putting oneself to sleep by drinking alcohol or taking some sleeping pills. Both sleeping pills and alcohol may put one into a deep sleep but too much of it could put one’s health into danger.

A healthy way to put one into a deep slumber is to undergo self hypnosis. This self hypnosis program includes relaxation process that helps one to draw into peaceful and restful sleep.

Having a restful sleep is essential for everyone. And this self hypnosis audio program for insomnia is a big help in order for insomniacs to have a peaceful good night sleep.


All of us have creative talents, and our creativity it is a product of our unconscious mind, the part that incubates ideas until the end of the day. Some of us already found the inner artist inside us, but some of us haven’t found it yet, for fear has been a preventive factor in releasing the inner artist inside us.

inner artist

Many artists feel unable to draw out the inner artist that they know is inside them some where. For fear hinders us in releasing the artist inside us due to the type of perfectionism where competing with the perfection of nature and that feeling that ‘if it’s not perfect then it’s useless’ can stop you fulfilling your potential as an artist. Sometimes that fear is due to self criticism; it may be good but too much of it can be destructive for everyone who is in search for the artist within.

Basically, an inspiration is needed in order to produce great works of art. To be inspired and to have clear vision and focus when you paint or draw your mind needs to be just right.

And in order to release more or our creative selves, self hypnosis audios are much needed in order to come up with all sorts of ideas, solutions and innovations that it is so good at.

Self hypnosis is a way of training our creative brain. It will help release the inner artist by revolving the concerns, doubts and self consciousness that pollutes the pure state of uninhibited consciousness. Self hypnosis also helps us to trust your subconscious intuitions more, knowing when enough is enough and a work is complete is so often a feeling rather than a conscious logical and rational thought.

Self hypnosis for releasing the inner artist inside us gets you feeling more relaxed, confident and sure of your intuitive judgment when releasing your inner artist within.

Self Hypnosis

taking back control

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June 2009